Email on Acid Introduces Analytics!
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Email on Acid
How did that redesign effect my open rates?What's my average engagement? Which campaign generated the most click-throughs?Should I optimize for mobile?

Introducing the Next Generation in Email Analytics.

Email on Acid analytics enables our subscribers to track opens, clicks, forwards, prints, deletes, as well as subscriber engagement, geographical location, email clients, click tracking, benchmarking diagnostics, and so much more! Learn more about the power of EOA analytics or check out our video which covers all of the features and functions of this exciting new tool.

Forwards, Prints, Deletes

Ever wonder how many people are printing or forwarding your email? We report back on these diagnostics in our daily activity reporting as well as our geolocation tools.
Track Engagement

With this feature, you can track exactly how long your email is being read. Set your "glance", "skim", and "read" thresholds and we'll do the rest. Learn how many people are actually reading your emails and which campaigns generate the greatest engagement.
Email Client Reporting

Want to focus your energy on clients that your subscribers are actually using? We track your opens across 75 different variations of email clients including web browsers and desktop client versions.
Compare Side by Side

Are you sending a split A/B test? Did you just redesign your email? With this tool, you can compare your campaign analytics side by side to see what's working and what's not.
Click Tracking

Clicks are the ultimate goal when it comes to email. We track total and unique clicks for reporting purposes. We also provide a list of links that were the most popular.
Heat Mapping

Visualize your visitor activity with heat mapping. A heat map is an easy way to understand how your customers interact with your email. It will help you decide where to place incentive offers for maximum effectiveness.

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